

My name is Jessica.
I am a momma, wife, teacher, queen of the Diet Coke, Jesus loving new to blogging gal.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Making Time for MOMMAstyle While Working

I love sleep. I love sleeping until the last possible minute I have to get up. I also teach. Which means when the lazy days of summer are over I have to start getting myself put back together and my two babes. Here are some tip and tricks from this momma on making sure I leave the house dressed in more than yoga pants and a tee.
  1. Get some sleep. Yes, this is a given, but let's be real. It is way to easy to get caught up in getting done housework that was put off or grading another set of papers even though they aren't due back until next week. Make yourself go to bed before 10 or at least have the goal to be in bed by 10 with electronics off by 11. This will help from hitting the snooze until your running around with two mismatched shoes on.
  2.  Every Sunday take the time to set out yours and the babes clothes for the week. Full outfits are ideal. I don't know how much time I've wasted in the past trying to put together an outfit only to realize something is dirty, torn, or doesn't fit. I always make sure to have one or two extra for each of us for crazy weather changes or those "I'm not feeling it moment".
  3. Get one of these hooks or one similar for each person to hang up the outfits. I found mine on Amazon.  It make's it easier to keep things clean and from getting wrinkly. Or find a spot in the closet to stash all the outfits together. The key is to keep them off the floor.
    LIBERTY 129848 Hook Rail/Coat Rack
  4. Pick out any accessories you want to wear with your outfit and hang them with your outfit. You can simply drape the necklace around the hanger, and place earrings, bracelets, or rings in a Ziploc bag and pin the bag to the hanger.
  5. Iron anything that needs to be ironed on Sunday. This saves more time than you realize and makes the week nights more open for family time. It also helps keep your look together.
  6. Get yourself dressed first. I used to worry about my babes getting me messy before I walked out the door, but I've learned it's easier to have myself completely put together before getting them. Also, they are more likely to make a mess on themselves than you.
  7. Have everything you are taking with you in the car or right by the door the night before. This is one thing I do every night. It takes one less thing to do in the morning off my list.
  8. Lastly, have the babes eat while you get ready. I bought this table and keep in my room while getting ready. I can monitor the babes eating and still do my hair and make-up.
    Children's table and 2 chairs, white, pine

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