

My name is Jessica.
I am a momma, wife, teacher, queen of the Diet Coke, Jesus loving new to blogging gal.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Nitty Gritty of Mommahood

Let's talk about this thing called mommahood. I mean is there any better way to jump into this whole blog thing than throwing out the perception of perfection with the nitty gritty truth of mommahood?    
Let's start with the fact that I love my kiddos. I love them so much it hurts and last night was one of those nights where I was painfully reminded that love is hard. My son, who is at the delightful age of two, decided that the mommy and me class at the local gymnastics place needed some excitement. In Bubs land, that meant have the Academy Award winning melt down of the year. Yes, my son, my precious little dude who I love and want everyone to love and enjoy as much as I do, became that child. The uncontrollable, give looks of empathy, thanking the stars that it's not your little tyke, child. With nerves shot, we somehow finished the class and made our way home in which I was not sure who was in more tears, my son or me. 
With a silent turn in the driveway, I thought the night would somehow redeem itself and I could eat my frustrations with a caramel fudge double dipped sundae. But mommahood is just not that easy. Bubs would proceed to test me for the next hour with fountains of tears, screams, and the random throwing of objects all because I wouldn't open a fruit snack before dinner.
This is where the nitty gritty comes in. As much as I wanted to give in and open the fruit snacks, I knew I'd be reinforcing the behaviors he was showing. I'd be teaching him that tantrums result in getting what he wants, when he wants. It was tough powering through a marathon of scream the head off. It was tough when Bubs refused any hugs or love from me.  It was tough staying and holding my head high, not quitting and walking back into a gym after calming Bubs down from a tantrum. It was tough, but necessary to show him that quitting, despite frustrations is not okay. It was tough because mommahood is just not that easy.
Mommahood is not easy because I love my kids and with that love comes the need to teach, show, guide, and make sure that they are everything that they can and inspire to be. Even if that means going to bed without my getting my sweet smile or kiss.
 Mommahood is just not that easy, but there is always a caramel fudge double dipped sundae and knowing that if it was always easy or without hurt, I wouldn't be doing it right.

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